Good health requires an ability to respond in positive ways to changing circumstances.
When you feel knocked down or off balance, you can regain equilibrium by developing your inherent ability to adapt to any situation.
The health care professional's role is not to heal you, but to help you discover and follow your own path toward healing.
If you are here, you are likely seeking something to help you feel better, you have already taken many steps along your own journey, and you feel stuck. Or a little lost. Or are just wondering: what next?
Your inner healing intelligence has guided you here, to considering psychedelic medicine treatment with ketamine or other forms of access to your “unconscious” mind to facilitate healing. If it feels right to you, maybe our paths will converge and we can walk the road of healing together for a while.
While ketamine is not classified as one of the classic psychedelics, and is often referred to as a “dissociative anesthetic”, it is currently the only legal form of medical treatment that loosely fits within the realm of psychedelic medicine.
As proposed by an expert in ketamine assisted therapy, the term transcendent psychoactive would be a much better descriptor for ketamine and its effects. Transcendent means to rise above or go beyond, and psychoactive means affecting the mind. When taken within a safe, controlled, and trusted setting and as prescribed by a medical professional, the ketamine medicine can enable a person to temporarily transcend their usual state of awareness and to experience oneself in a new way.
Nurse log
Def. A fallen or decaying tree that provides ecological facilitation to seedlings.
Nurse logs symbolize the regenerative power and efficiency of nature. I see the nurse log as symbolic, too, of the services that I offer. While I believe that I am only in the early stages of decay ; ) I plan to help you develop the structure and nourishment necessary for you to get started, to progress, to grow and to thrive.
Nurse Log NeuroHealth is located in the Methow Valley
With gratitude and respect, I acknowledge the people – past, present, and future – of the Methow, Okanagan, Colville, and other tribal bands and nations on whose traditional lands I live and work. On these lands I am uninvited but still somehow made welcome.
505 State Route 20, Winthrop, WA (between LittleStar School and VIP Insurance)